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Our approach to building a better internet for the planet.

The mission

Climate change as a result of human actions is real.

The internet is responsible for about 3.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions annually.

The Internet is bad for the environment

We hear a lot in the news about the carbon impact of certain industries, yet the irony that the tool delivering the information to us contributes 3.7% of carbon emissions is not discussed.

Every action online, from downloading an image, streaming music and even filling out a form requires energy in some form. Whether it’s sending data stored in a database, or something else. It takes power to send the information from one point to another.

A Question of Better

A sustainable website is not something new or different.

In fact, it has been around since the beginning. Building a sustainable website means we are building it correctly, focusing on the fundamentals and basic elements of why we use the internet.

The reality is that most websites focus on being finished quickly, not on being better or meeting users’ needs and wants. Similar to accessibility, sustainable development is often overlooked, even though it leads to better experiences.

Remember: A simple HTML page with little to no content is better than today’s bloated pages. Every addition has an impact. We help you convey every idea responsibly and effectively.

The Benefits

For your users, your business, and the earth.

The benefits of adopting a sustainable platform mean that scaling your experiences doesn’t require specialized skills—it just needs someone focused on the craft.

Your users benefit as well as your business. Hosting and operating a sustainable website often comes with zero monthly costs. We don’t need gigantic servers. That means your users get the information they want quickly, leading to more sales.

How we build better:

  • Statically Generated Websites
  • Optimized images, videos and fonts
  • Preloading pages using predictive user interactions
  • Modern and future proof tooling.
  • Headless CMS ready
  • Optimizing network requests
  • Carbon Neutral Hosting
  • Perfect Lighthouse Scores at a minimum

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question about digital sustainability?

No. The web development industry moves so fast that many others focus on staying up to date in order to get a job, instead of craftsmanship. The irony is that all the tools to build better are there, and the latest and greatest tools are following the trend of pursuing craftsmanship so we’ll get there. I’m just 5 years too early (sigh)
There’s no perfect tool to do so, but we look at where the site is hosted, the performance in the browser and size of the assets. Remember usb keys that we all used to carry around? They didn’t go away, they just moved into large warehouses. Every image, video, line of code and piece of text needs to be stored somewhere, so we do our best to make sure that what we store is as small as possible.
Websites cost money. That’s the reality. It’s a skill just like a trade. Yes, sites like squarespace, webflow and framer might be cheaper initially, but overall you’re stuck on a subscription for something that is awful for the earth. Our hourly rate is $130 Canadian (so, cheaper for everyone else) and it’s based on 20+ years of experience.
Buckle up. A sustainability strategy reduces the ongoing operational costs of hosting and running a site. It’s easier to manage, scale and update due to the pragmatic nature of its construction. It’s got a marketing plan built right into it because consumers love giving their money to self-aware companies that use their tools to save the earth. HR will love it too, because a company that has a mission its employees can align with, is a company with a happy workforce. Finally, what good is a business or a job if we’re all dead. So ya know, let’s try to prevent that.


Let's work together

Got ideas or a problem you need help solving? We’ve got the skills. Let’s team up.

Got ideas or a problem you need help solving? We’ve got the skills. Let’s team up.

How can we help?